Resources on the Practice of Reading Scripture

What is scripture reading?

Bible study or reading scripture involves engaging the mind and focusing attention on Scripture in an attempt to understand and apply truth to every part of my life.

-to know what the Bible says and how it intersects with my life.

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness,” –2 Timothy 3:16
 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.” –Colossians 3:16
I have stored up your word in my heart,
    that I might not sin against you.” –Psalm 119:11
  • attending to biblical instruction (oral or written) with an open mind and heart in order to grow in love and understanding of the truth.
  • systematically studying Scripture to gain the big picture of what God is doing on planet earth.
  • using study guides, manuscripts studies, small group Bible studies, etc.
  • keeping company with Jesus no matter how little or much God speaks to e through his Word.
  • loving God with my mind
  • learning and internalizing what Scripture teaches about God.
  • having Scripture shape and form my thinking and lifestyle so they are increasingly redemptive and life-giving.
  • using my understanding to build the community of faith.
  • putting myself in a place where God can instruct and correct my behavior and attitudes.
  • growing in my ability to rationally defend and express my faith.
“The Bible is not an end in itself, but a means to bring men to an intimate and satisfying knowledge of God, that they may enter into him, that they may delight in his presence, may taste and know the inner sweetness of the very God himself in the core and center of their hearts.”
A.W. Tozer


By Matt Garcia

The Bible is not just one book. It’s a collection of books. It’s a library. It has 66 different books with many different genres, written by over 40 different authors who were farmers, fishermen, tentmakers, homeless prophets, doctors, scribes, musicians, and pastors. It was written in the span of over 1,500 years across three different continents in three different languages. Every year, more than one hundred million copies are sold or given away. The New York Times omits the Bible from its list of bestsellers because it would almost always be on top. The Bible has been translated into more than 2,454 languages. There are also 3,200 verses of fulfilled prophecy. According to National Geographic, the Bible is the most significant object that has shaped the entire world.
The Bible has shaped the way we see government structure. The Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution and established the United States of America based off of biblical principles. What we know as a democratic republic today has been formed by what the Bible says about how all people are created equal. Today, we name our children after authors of the Bible, like, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Isaiah, and Jeremiah, while we name our pizza and dogs after Caesar, the ancient Roman dictator who tried to stop the Way of Jesus, but failed.
The Bible has also shaped art, infrastructure, and architecture. Architecture was sent through a revolution because Christians wanted to build churches, monasteries, and cathedrals so they could read together the written Word of God. Famous painters like Michelangelo, Raphael, Leonardo da Vinci, Giovanni Bellini, and Titian lead the artistic renaissance because of their paintings that depicted stories of the Bible.
The Bible has also impacted the beginnings of modern education. Our collegiate educational system was first established by schools like Cambridge, Princeton, Harvard, Yale – all of which started off as Bible schools to equip pastors to preach the Bible.
The Bible has even effected our geography. Think about the names of many cities, like St. Petersburg, St. Paul, St. John. These were named after authors of the New Testament. There are also cities like St. Augustine, San Francisco, San Jose, San Diego, San Angelo, and San Antonio (my home). These cities were named after people who preached the good news of the Bible.
The Bible has influenced modern technology as well. The first book that was ever mass produced on the Gutenburg Press was the Bible. The first ever radio broadcast on Christmas Eve in 1906 was the reading of the nativity story in the book of Luke.
The Bible has changed the way we view all of life. Before the New Testament was written, unwanted babies (predominately girls) were left to exposure, in which the parents would place the baby in a deserted area alone to die. After the writings of the New Testament, Christians started orphanages to take in these unwanted babies because they believed in what the Bible said that everyone is made in the image of God. When diseases would break out and most of the population would flee the country, only Christians would stay because they wanted to care for those who were sick – something the Bible speaks much about. In the first century, a woman’s eye witness testimony wasn’t believed in a court of law because they were not viewed as equal to man. However, the Bible shares stories about how women are treated with dignity and respect. In fact, Jesus first appeared in His resurrected body to women at the tomb and charged them to share their eye witness testimony of His resurrection.
Regardless of what you believe about the Bible, it is indisputably the most successful literary creation of all time. The Bible has literally changed everything in our entire life and we don’t even realize it.
The free YouVersion Bible app has 2,062 versions of the Bible in 1,372 languages. We have the bestselling, most influential, most accessible book of all time! However, research shows that although 78% of Americans own a physical copy of the Bible, only 9% of them read it regularly. George Gallup Jr. says, “We revere the Bible, but don’t read it. It is the best-selling, least-read book in America.”
So where does this leave us. You’re here reading this maybe because you want to learn how to read the Bible. That’s great! There’s many resources here to help you. However, we must first come to the understanding that the Bible is just a means to an end. It has shaped the whole world and our culture, yes! But it shaped the world because it had transformed individual people to change the world. Do you believe it can transform you?
“The greatest gift of God is often either rejected outright or treated as if it is of little worth. But if we really began to study the Bible, we would be impressed with the proper value of this gift. It seems ludicrous that we have to exhort people to study the Bible.”
William Wilberforce



Experiment with different ways of listening to Scripture.
    • Read the Bible out loud. Savor the words. Which words stand out for you? Keep these words with you all day.
    • Listen to the Bible in audio format while driving or exercising. Check out the fantastic audio Bible app Dwell.
    • Print a verse on a card and place it where you will see it throughout the day. Put a verse on your screen saver on your computer or on your wallpaper on your phone.


To enhance your understanding of the biblical context and meaning the text may have had to its original audience, invest in a Bible commentary, a Bible dictionary or go online and type in places, cultures, and peoples you are reading about in your Bible study.

Visual Bible

Check out the YouTube videos of the Bible Project. They are a crowd-funded animation studio that makes videos on exploring different concepts of the Bible, such as:
    • how to read the Bible
    • Bible themes
    • Word Studies
    • Book overviews
    • They also have blogs, podcasts, courses, and a mobile app.

Communal Study

The Bible was designed to be read in groups. Find and join a group with your church that read the Bible together.

Reading Plan

Find a bible reading plan you can realistically stick to. Check out the blog “3 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Read the Bible in a Year” Regardless of if what kind of reading plan you end up choosing, it’s important to stick to it.

Lectio Divina

The Lectio Divina is a simple method of praying and meditating on scripture. This prayer tool will show you how to practice it individually, and in a group. Here’s a basic rundown of how to practice it:
    • Lectio – “read” the text.
    • Meditatio – “meditate” on the text.
    • Oratio – “pray” the text.
    • Contemplatio – “contemplate” the Lord.

Click HERE to download a guide from the Prayer Course that will help you with this ancient practice.

“Scripture is, in some sense, the music of God, which we hear; in another sense, it is the instrument of God, which we play.”
Origen of Alexandria (185-254)


How To Read The Bible For All Its Worth

Gordon Fee

How To Hear God (Chapter 2)

Pete Greig

Read The Bible For A Change

Ray Lubeck


Andrew Wilson

Shaped By The Word

Robert Mulholland Jr.
“Don’t fall into the trap of studying the Bible without doing what it says.”
Francis Chan


How To Read The Bible

The Bible Project Podcast Series

The Paradigm

The Bible Project Podcast Series

“The Word of God I think of as a straight edge, which shows up our own crookedness. We can’t really tell how crooked our thinking is until we line it up with the straight edge of Scripture.”
Elisabeth Elliot


Online Course on Reading Scripture

The Bible Project has done a great job on this topic of reading scripture. Check out their video course at

“Nobody ever outgrows Scripture; the book widens and deepens with our years.”
Charles Spurgeon


How To Study the Bible

Our Relationship to the Bible

Practicing the Way / Collin Mayjack

reflection questions


How has God spoken to you through the study of his Word? How has Bible study affected your life?


When the Word of God seems dry to you, what do you make of this season in your life?


What are you looking for when you read Scripture – information, comfort, understanding, guidance, a word from God, communion with God?


How does what you are looking for influence how you study?

“The Bible was not given for our information but for our transformation.”
D.L. Moody

Matt Garcia

Matt is the creator of this website and curates resources on spiritual formation. He is a husband of Jesika and a father of 4 children. He also helps lead a house church. Follow him on Instagram to see what he's up to.