by Matt Garcia | Feb 23, 2022 | Blogs
4 Quadrants of Acceptance & Obedience I came across this quadrant on Instagram a while back. It was on an @RichVillodas Instagram story and I took a screenshot of it. I believe he was preparing this for a talk he was giving and shared a slide that he was...
by Matt Garcia | Feb 14, 2022 | Blogs
Bible in a year? Well, it’s February. You know what that means. It means that another large group of Christians have already failed at reading the Bible in a year. So here’s three reasons why a Bible in a year plan may not be the best for you. *DISCLAIMER:...
by Matt Garcia | Jan 14, 2022 | Blogs
Vampire Christianity? What is a Vampire Christian? Think of a the mythical creature, a vampire, who desires the blood of helpless victims. But according to the movies and TV shows, they just want a few ounces of blood from their victim’s neck. Once they have...
by Matt Garcia | Jan 2, 2022 | Blogs
What is an apprentice? An apprentice? We don’t use that word anymore. For you, it may remind you a TV show in which the host exclaimed “You’re fired!”. For sci-fi nerds, it may signal cues for someone who learns the way of the Jedi in Star...