Have you seen sequoia tress? Here’s a picture of one. Sequoia trees are the tallest trees on each, reaching heights of almost 380 feet, and live to be over 3,000 years old. I’ve actually never seen one in person yet. My bucket list item is to visit The Sequoia National Park where the General Sherman Tree, which has a circumference of over 100 feet and weighs 2.7 million pounds. My friends say that seeing these trees in person is a wonderful feeling. When one stands in the midst of these trees, they may imagine how big the roots underneath their feet might be. In order to support their large stature, shouldn’t they have roots that go significantly deep? For many trees, it’s true. However, that’s not the case for sequoia trees. These species of trees have roots that only go down five or six feet beneath the surface. Isn’t that interesting? So how do the roots carry the millions of pounds weighing it down? These magnificent tree roots actually grow to be 100 feet in length horizontally. You see, these trees grow in groves next to each other. This means that each of these trees’ roots grow with the other roots of the trees next to them, intertwining each other’s strengths to keep the grove upright. If a fierce storm comes and tries its best to wipe away a certain sequoia tree above ground, the other trees help to keep it strong underneath the dirt.
A biblical Christian community works in this same way. As we grow in our relationship with Christ, our spiritual roots should naturally be extending to others in our church community. In this way, when the storms of life come and the suffering that Jesus tells us is coming finally arrives, we will stand strong. But not because of our own will power or knowledge. It will be because of the prayers and actions of a loving church community and the power of the Holy Spirit (who is in a Trinitarian community in itself).
Hebrews 10: 24-25 says, “And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” In this passage, the author of Hebrews is not saying to bear with the pastor’s sermon, or the songs of the worship band, or the announcements, or any other part of a western industrialized church service. This is calling us to be in community with Christian brothers and sisters for the sake of growing in love and service. Our gatherings should be characterized by mutual encouragement. It’s not just one person from the pulpit encouraging the masses, but each member of the body using their spiritual gifts to build up the body of Christ.
So how can we do this? What does this look like? Many churches have different perspectives on what gatherings should be about. Is it communion (the Eucharist)? Is it the pastor’s sermon? Is it the music? Is it the fellowship? That is for you to look through scripture and see where the Holy Spirit leads each church. After all, the church isn’t a place you go to, but a people to be a part of. It’s not a building to be safe in, but a community to submit to. It’s not an organization, but an organism who’s DNA is created for growth and multiplication. In this way, we see the body of Christ coming together as a community unified by the One who sacrificed His life for. When the storms of life come, will your roots extend to wrap around a loving church community? Or will you crumble and fall under the weight of the culture around you. The choice is yours.