What is an apprentice?

An apprentice? We don’t use that word anymore. For you, it may remind you a TV show in which the host exclaimed “You’re fired!”. For sci-fi nerds, it may signal cues for someone who learns the way of the Jedi in Star Wars. Regardless of what that word might mean to you, I want to share with you why apprenticeship is the best way to describe the way our Christian faith should be lived out.

What’s an apprentice?

An apprentice is a student who is intentional about learning a skill, craft, or art from a master. The process is to spend a considerable amount of time and energy on being with the master learning from them so one day the apprentice could become like the master. Today, we use this language in trade schools. For instance, my friend, Juan, studied to be an electrician. When he first started out, he was called an apprentice. He learned every day in the classroom as well as in the field how to be electrician. And most important of all, he learned from a few seasoned veterans on the ins and outs of the field. His goal is to one day become a master electrician.

Apprentice of Jesus

So an apprentice of Jesus is one longs to be with Jesus in order to learn from Him, so they could become like him. Isn’t that the goal of the Christian life? Apprenticeship to Jesus isn’t about just learning facts, studying theology, or reciting a magic phrase to punch your ticket to heaven. Rather, it is a methodology towards orthopraxy (doctrine with action) of allowing our master’s thoughts, will, and behavior to become our own. So when do we become like the Master? Well, that’s when we graduate. Unlike an apprentice electrician who becomes a master electrician within a few years, an apprentice of Jesus is always an apprentice in this life. That’s the beauty of it. Whether you’ve been a Christian for a few months, or for 50 years — you’re always an apprentice of Jesus.

Isn’t this discipleship?

Yes, it is discipleship. I just like to use the word “apprenticeship” because many believe that this is a better english word to use that best describes discipleship to Jesus. Being an apprentice has a certain weight to it that makes people think about it more. Let’s talk through that idea. A few years ago, my dad was visiting Chicago, and got to talking to his Muslim Uber driver about his religion. “How would you describe your faith,” my dad asked him. He paused for a while to think. “Well…” he responded. “I’ve just always been a Muslim. I’m a Muslim because my family is Muslim.” How many Christians would say the same thing? Some would just describe their Christian faith using language that our current culture would not appreciate. When we say, “I’m a Christian,” what the world hears is, “I’m a homophobic, conservative bigot who doesn’t tip well after church on Sundays.” But imagine if we started saying, “I’m an apprentice of Jesus.” That language kind of changes the atmosphere. Maybe they would respond with a question about it and it leads to a deeper conversation about faith.

A Student

Another reason I like this word better is that an apprentice has more of a “student-teacher” language that can help us be put in our roles.

“A disciple is a learner, a student, an apprentice – a practitioner, even if only a beginner.” -Dallas Willard

Discipleship is apprenticeship, and the school of Jesus is always in session. If we have the mentality that we are all beginners (from the lead pastor of a church to the nursery worker), then it also helps us have the vision of how much we really do need to be transformed into the image of Jesus. Like I mentioned above, we should all be learners regardless of age, gender, education, socio-economic condition, or whatever! This concept also gives us more grace when we fail. Just like an apprentice plumber would receive a second chance when he makes a mistake on a sink installation, so we should give grace to ourselves and others when we fall short.
Our family has a mission statement that we recite every morning. It starts starts off with that phrase that describes our identity. We say, “I am an apprentice of Jesus…”
Maybe this language resonates with you as well. Start using it and just see if it helps you at all. Whatever word you use to describe your Christian faith, it should lead to transformation into the image of Jesus.
Matt Garcia

Matt Garcia


Matt is an apprentice of Jesus, a husband to Jesika, and a father to three children. He and his family lead a house church in San Antonio, TX. Connect with him on instagram @apprenticeofjesus.